Video of Dachshund Tippy Tapping His Way Along On A Walk Is Too Cute

By Daniel Gibson - December 19, 2022

Dachshund on a walk

OMG! I haven’t stopped laughing about this sausage dog taking a walk with his owner. The three sausage dogs are walking along a sidewalk, with two keeping up with their owner. The third, Mr. Tippy is traveling at his own speed. This TikTok post is so cute because of Mr. Tippy’s walking speed and the choice of song.

The TikTok post from Mother of Sausages starts with the song “Mr. Sandman” by The Chordettes. The song plays as one sausage dog runs to catch up with the owner. In the distance, Mr. Tippy is ambling along at his speed. The caption with the post reads, “My sausage dog that had one speed and won’t exceed it for anyone.” Mr. Tippy’s dog mom pauses for a few moments and waits for him to catch up. Mr. Tippy continues on his long walk and stops to sniff the ground on his way. Mr. Tippy’s mom sets off and continues walking the other two dogs.

@motherofsausages Mr tippy taps #independentdog #dogs #dachshund #sausagedog #wienerdog #lol #dogsoftiktok #pet ♬ Mr. Sandman – The Chordettes

I have fallen in love with Mr. Tippy. It’s hard to see him in the distance of the post but he looks like a sausage dog with a mind of his own. The small dog ignores being left behind by his dog mom and continues to cut a path along the sidewalk. We can all learn something from Mr. Tippy’s willingness to believe in himself.

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Mr. Tippy’s TikTok post about his walk has more than five million likes. Mr. Tippy’s lack of speed prompted a comment from Anthony Aguirre, “He’ll be there in 3-5 business days🥰!” Jude Brown commented, “Omg the other dogs wait for him 🥺!” Kate had nothing bad to say about Mr. Tippy, “You take your time you sweet angel buster 🥰!”

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This is a funny video enjoyed by millions of TikTok users. Mr. Tippy has gained an army of fans because of his slow walking speed.