Dog’s Reaction When Mom Says Starbucks Was Too Busy For A Puppacino Will Make You Say Awww

By Ashley Turner - December 18, 2022

Pitbull sad at the park

For some of us, a daily trip to Starbucks can be a necessity. After all, sometimes that added boost of energy — and deliciousness — is all we need to get our motors running.

Based upon this dog’s reaction, we can definitely ascertain that she is the type that needs some Starbucks to make the day just a bit better. From the clip, we can hear that the owner is consoling her dog, saying that the Starbucks was too busy to make her a pup cup. Sulking dramatically, the darling doggo refuses to pick her head up or even acknowledge what she believes to be a transgression. Nothing that her owner says seems to spark up her spirits, letting us know just how seriously this precious pooch takes her sweet treats.

@_iambrey My poor baby, Starbucks was packed 😭 #Fyp #dogsoftiktok #starbucks ♬ original sound – Breyanna💋

Sometimes it’s hard to have your expectations dashed — this sweet dog perfectly illustrates what happens to us humans on the inside when we are similarly disappointed. Although we may not show it in quite this way, most of us would love to throw a tantrum when we don’t get treats!

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Of course, there were many in the comment section who related to the disappointed pooch. Silly444goofy wrote, “You better go back and get her a pup cup! I want a part 2 for proof!” A Starbucks employee weighed in as well, saying “We are never too busy to give your babies lil pupchinos! Dogs literally make our day” with a heart emoji. Meanwhile, Sierranicoleofficial wrote, “I need Starbucks to issue a public apology immediately.” It would appear that the disappointed doggo’s mama caved in to the pressure, writing, “New Pup Cup video is up!” Fortunately for the sweet pup, she has received her pup cup since the first video was made.

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This determined dog’s demeanor definitely raised awareness to her predicament and helped her to get a pup cup. It’s a good reminder that sometimes we need to express our true feelings to get what we want in a timely manner!