Good Boi Dog Gets Saved At The Vet After Saving Owner From Porcupine

By Jeanette Mason - December 3, 2022

Hunting dog with porcupine quills in face

The love a dog has for its owner is special. No wonder a Black Labrador named Pudge would do anything for his owner Kyler Dean. This brave dog protected his owner from a porcupine and had to be rushed to the veterinarian to have porcupine needles removed from his muzzle.

Kyler Dean uploaded a video of the traumatic event to his TikTok channel @kylerdeanj07. The TikTok video begins with Pudge standing inside an exam room at the veterinarian clinic. The video continues, and we see Pudge resting inside a dog cage. The scene changes, and Pudge is lying on the floor having anesthesia administered. Once Pudge is sedated, the veterinarian starts to remove the needles. The video ends with Pudge asleep on the exam table, having the porcupine needles removed.

@kylerdeanj My boy was saving me from a porcupine There’s nothing he won’t do to protect me #petlover #doglover ♬ original sound – madi

Pudge is an amazing dog that loves his owner. But, he was willing to face off against a porcupine. What a brave dog!

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TikTok viewers were moved by Pudge’s love for his owner. They admire his protective instincts. @mr.oddworn said, “He’s a good boy. Give him tons of treats. Right now.” @beethemanbatiste agrees, “Aww, he’s a good boy. When he gets home, give him anything he wants.” Though most viewers agreed that Pudge deserved a reward, other viewers were sad and concerned for Pudge’s well-being. @stalkhub said, “Aww, I’m starting to cry.” @aj_drws_trash said, “I hope he gets better. I’m crying.” @ammaerking143143 stated, “I’m really so sad after watching this video.” @fatcathatsuper said, “Omg, it’s so sad. Is he ok?” And yet other viewers praised Pudge. @vipertrickshots said, “That is one brave and loyal soldier and buddy.”

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I agree with the viewers this loyal dog deserves some treats as a reward. Such a protective dog deserves some delicious dog treats.