Not everyone loves dogs that are clingy but remember they are the loyal ones that will never leave your side. So, if you want to own a pup that is extra clingy and loyal and is confused, then do not worry. Here is a guide for you to learn facts about all the breeds that are clingy and loyal.
These pups are available in various colors, physiques and have different temperaments. These sixty-one dogs are loyal to their owners and clingy and affectionate, and will never leave your side. So, without any delay, let’s learn more about these interesting puppies.
- Vizsla
- Labrador Retriever
- Border Collie
- Maltese
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepherd
- Pug
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Italian Greyhound
- Doberman Pinscher
- Australian Shepherd
- Great Dane
- French Bulldog
- Coton de Tulear
- Giant Schnauzer
- English Mastiff
- Basset Hound
- Chihuahua
- Papillon
- Siberian Husky
- Boston Terrier
- Pitbull
- Great Pyrenees
- Rottweiler
- Beagle
- Dachshund
- Yorkie
- Saint Bernard
- Akita
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Bullmastiff
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Irish Wolfhound
- Newfoundland
- Poodle
- Pomeranian
- Barbet
- Bichon Frise
- Boxer
- Carolina Dog
- Dalmatian
- Cocker Spaniel
- Leonberger
- Whippet
- Corgi
- Samoyed
- Keeshond
- Shar-Pei
- Finnish Lapphund
- Finnish Spitz
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Komondor
- Brittany
- Kuvasz
- American Bulldog
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- German Wirehaired Pointer
- West Highland White Terrier
- Shikoku
- Toy Fox Terrier

Vizsla dog breed is also known as the Hungarian Pointer, Hungarian Vizsla or Drotszoru Magyar Vizla. This dog breed comes from the areas of Hungary and is a really old breed.
Vizsla Appearance
The Vizla dog breed stands at the height of 21 inches to 23 inches. This dog breed is usually present in red and fawn colors.
These dogs are expected to live an average life period of 12 years to 14 years. This breed has a healthy weight of around 45 pounds to 55 pounds.
Vizsla Temperament
Vizsla dog breed is great with people that are hunters and families that have older kids. This breed is also best for individuals and families that are active and do exercise and sports.
This breed is very energetic and quiet. They are very obedient, and it is easy to train them. These dogs are very affectionate and loving towards their families and owners.
Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever is a dog breed that also goes with the name Lab. This pure breed pup originates from the United Kingdom Newfoundland Colony.
Labrador Retriever Appearance
Labrador Retriever is a dog breed that is very popular and stands at the height of 21.5 inches to 24.5 inches. This dog weighs around 55 pounds to anywhere between 80 pounds.
This dog has a short-haired coat that is cream, brown and black. This amazing breed has an average life span of approximately 10 years to 12 years.
Labrador Retriever Temperament
Labrador Retriever is a very obedient and docile dog that makes it very easy to train. This dog is very loving towards its owner and its family.
This dog breed is one of the most patient and simple dogs out there from all dogs available on this list. This breed is great for hunters, has families, is water retrieving, or are great companions.
Border Collie

The Border Collie dog breed is sometimes called Highland Collies, Welsh Sheepdogs, Northern Sheepdogs, and Scotch Collies. This dog breed comes from Northumberland that is alongside the Scottish border, and is an English country.
Border Collie Appearance
Border Collie is a dog breed known as the la crème of the working dogs and weighs around 30 pounds to 45 pounds. These dogs have a height from 18 inches to anywhere in between 22 inches.
This dog breed is present in white and black, merle, lilac, blue merle, tan, red, sable merle, and chocolate colors. This breed has a life span of around 10 years to 15 years.
Border Collie Temperament
Border Collie is best for active families, has children, loves going outings, lives at farms, is an experienced dog owner, and is one of the best dog trainers. This breed is not great for people that live in apartments or are not available for a long period.
These dogs are extremely intelligent, focused, energetic, and driven, making them easy and perfect for training. They are very responsive and expressive towards commands and are extremely obedient and loyal to their owners and family (and great at playing frisbee).

The Maltese dog breed is also known as the Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta. This breed has been an aristocrat of the canine world for above twenty-eight centuries. This breed originates from the Mediterranean Basin regions.
Maltese Appearance
The Maltese dog breed has an average height of 7 inches to 9 inches. They weigh somewhere below 7 pounds and are very light and small.
This small-sized breed is only present in white color, specifically snow-white color. They have a life span of 12 years to 15 years.
Maltese Temperament
The Maltese dog breed is a toy breed that is best for slightly active people, families with older children, older people, families or owners that want a toy dog, or people with light dog allergies.
This miniature dog breed comes with a very well-balanced personality and is extremely gentle and calm. These dogs will charm you with their cuteness and are playful and fun-loving breeds.
Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever has traveled through many locations, and it has a long story as it is interlinked with Scotland, England, and the United Kingdom. This breed is also sometimes called retrievers.
Golden Retriever Appearance
Golden Retriever breed stands at a height, 20 inches to 24 inches. These dogs’ breed weighs somewhere between 55 pounds to 70 pounds.
They have an average life span of 10 years to 12 years. These pups have fawn or cream-colored coats.
Golden Retriever Temperament
Golden Retriever is perfect for highly active owners and wants a pup that is a classic American breed. These dogs are extremely loyal to their owners and affectionate towards them as well.
These puppies are well and gentle-mannered and very easy to train. This breed has high energy and is very obedient, and goes well with others.
German Shepherd

German Shepherd dog is also known as Berger Allemand Deutscher Schaferhund or Alsatian Wolf Dog. This breed was from the United Kingdom, but now this breed originates from Germany.
German Shepherd Appearance
The German Shepherd female stands tall between 22 to 24 inches while males shave 24 inches to 26 inches. The females weigh around 50 pounds to 70 pounds, and males weigh around 65 pounds to 90 pounds.
This breed is available in black and tan, black and red, black and cream, blue, liver, tan, gray, black, and white colors. They have a life span of around 7 to 10 years.
German Shepherd Temperament
German Shepherd is a pup for active families and families that have children. This dog needs a huge house or a big space as it is a very large dog.
These dogs are very trained and very intelligent. They are brave, confident, filled with energy, and can be adjusted anywhere as they are very versatile.

Dutch Bulldog, puglets, or shadows are all the names given to the Pug dog breed. This dog comes from the Chinese Ming dynasty.
Pug Appearance
Pug is a small dog breed that stands tall at only 10 inches to 14 inches. This dog breed has coats in fawn, black, fawn-silver, brindle, and apricot colors.
The shadows weigh only around 14 pounds to 18 pounds. This dog breed has a life span of only 12 years to 15 years.
Pug Temperament
The pug dog breed is defined as being half clown and being half dignified and great companion. This dog is for the families or singles that want a small pup with a huge personality.
The shadow is a very loving and playful breed. These pups are easy to train but can become a bit stubborn and are confident.
Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog or also known as Sheltie, is a bear type of dog. This dog is a breed of herding dog that comes from the Shetland Islands of Scotland.
Shetland Sheepdog Appearance
The Shetland Sheepdog is a herding dog that stands tall at 13 inches to 16 inches. This dog breed is expected to live an average life of around 12 years to 14 years.
This breed is present in black, tan, gray, brown, and white colors. This pup weighs around 14 pounds to 28 pounds.
Shetland Sheepdog Temperament
The Shetland Sheepdog breed is very loving and affectionate towards its owner and family. This breed is perfect for people that have active families and want a sports competitor or guard dog.
This dog is a great companion and is very loyal. This dog is easy to train, very intelligent, lively, energetic, and playful.
Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound is also known as Italian Sighthound, Piccolo levriero Italiano. This breed comes from Italy.
Italian Greyhound Appearance
An Italian Greyhound is from Italy and weighs between 7 pounds to 14 pounds. This dog breed stands at the height of 13 inches to 15 inches.
This breed is white, black, blue, red, fawn, sable, and gray-colored. This breed has a life span of 12 years to 15 years on average.
Italian Greyhound Temperament
Italian Greyhound is a very loving and friendly dog. This dog also gets along well with other pets and is an ideal companion.
This breed is not easy to train and very energetic. This dog is extremely loyal and is great for families looking for a low shedding breed pup, and it is easy to groom.
Doberman Pinscher

Dobie, Doberman are two names that this breed goes from. This breed comes from Germany and is a very intelligent and popular dog.
Doberman Pinscher Appearance
Doberman Pinscher is a natural athlete, and this breed stands tall at 24 inches to 28 inches. This dog breed weighs around 60 pounds to 100 pounds.
The Dobie is present in red, fawn, brown, blue, and black colors. They have a life span of approximately 10 years to 12 years.
Doberman Pinscher Temperament
Doberman Pinscher is a breed that is excessively loyal and loving towards its owner and family. This breed is highly trainable, active, and protective.
This breed is great for families that have children and are experienced. This breed loves to train and is also perfect for active individuals looking for a training companion.
Australian Shepherd
Australian Shepherd is a breed known as Spanish Shepherd, Pastor dogs, bob-tails, New Mexican Shepherds, California Shepherds, and Blue Heelers. This breed comes from Australia.

Australian Shepherd Appearance
The Australian Shepherd stands tall at 18 inches to 21 inches. This breed weighs somewhere between 35 pounds to 55 pounds.
These dogs are present in black, red, merle, red merle, blue merle, and tricolor. This breed has a life span of approximately 13 years to 15 years.
Australian Shepherd Temperament
The Australian Shepherd is a very loyal and loving dog breed. This dog is perfect for any family, whether they live in apartments, are hikers, campers, or outdoor lovers.
This dog breed is highly intelligent, beautiful, and can be easily trained. This Shepherd is a very lovable, caring, happy, and friendly dog breed.
Great Dane

A Great Dane dog is called a German Mastiff or Deutsche Dogge. This breed of dog comes from Germany and is the Apollo of dogs.
Great Dane Appearance
The Great Dane is expected to have an average life span of 7 years to 10 years. This dog breed is a huge breed that stands tall at 26 inches to 34 inches.
This puppy has a fawn, blue, brindle, harlequin, black, mantle, merle, and white. These massive dogs’ breed weighs anywhere from 110 pounds to 200 pounds on average.
Great Dane Temperament
The Great Dane dog is a perfect guardian dog as you can judge from their weight and height. This breed is great for families with huge spaces and has time to take care of this massive breed.
This dog is very intelligent, friendly, and loyal. Even though this breed is huge, it is still very gentle, sweet, noble, courageous, and spirited.
French Bulldog

The French Bulldog breed is also known as a flat-faced breed. This breed of puppies comes from France and England.
French Bulldog Appearance
The French Bulldog stands at the height of 11 inches to 13 inches. This dog is a small breed that weighs just below 28 pounds.
This flat-faced breed is available in white, tan, black, and brown colors. This breed is known to have an average life expectancy of 10 years to 12 years.
French Bulldog Temperament
This flat-faced breed is perfect for individuals, apartment owners, and anyone who wants a lazy companion dog. This dog breed is very clingy and loyal to its owners.
The French Bulldog is a lazy, well-mannered, even-tempered but demanding dog. They are perfect companion dogs and are also adaptable, comical, and want your undivided attention.
Coton de Tulear

Coton de Tulear is a happy-go-lucky dog known as the Royal dog of Madagascar or the Official dog of Madagascar. This breed originates from Madagascar.
Coton de Tulear Appearance
The Coton de Tulear is a smart but little dog. This dog weighs between 8 pounds to 15 pounds and stands tall at 13 inches to 28 inches of height.
This dog is present in only white color, and sometimes their coat gets a few darker markings on them. This breed has a life expectancy range between 15 years to 19 years.
Coton de Tulear Temperament
This dog is a very smart and entertaining breed, but they are also very small. They are fun-loving, happy, easy to train, and intelligent dogs.
This breed is perfect for people that are active and want a small companion dog. The Coton de Tulear gets along well with kids and other pets and loves to mark its territories.
Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is also known as Munchener, Munich Schnauzer, and Russian Bear Schnauzer. This huge bear-like breed comes from Germany and is the largest one among others.
Giant Schnauzer Appearance
Giant Schnauzer is one the largest breed of all the Schnauzer breeds. This breed has a height of 23 inches to 27 inches.
They weigh between 55 pounds to 80 pounds and have a life span of 10 years to 14 years. This breed has coats in salt, pepper, and black colors.
Giant Schnauzer Temperament
The Giant Schnauzer is a very loyal breed and can easily work as a guard or watchdog. This breed is fit for people that live alone, have active families, and are hunters.
These dogs have huge and remarkable personalities. They are very intelligent, kind, powerful, and can be a bit stubborn.
English Mastiff

English Mastiff breed comes from England, United Kingdom. This breed generally goes around with the name Mastiff and is registered at UKKC and FCI and is one of the largest dog breeds.
English Mastiff Appearance
English Mastiff is a very large English dog that stands tall at 27 inches and more. This dog weighs from 120 pounds to 230 pounds.
This breed is present in apricot fawn, silver fawn, fawn, brindle, and dark fawn colors. They have a life span of around 6 years to 10 years approximately.
English Mastiff Temperament
English Mastiff is a very protective breed that is courageous and confident. This breed is perfect for active medium-sized families, owners that can take care of health and food for a giant-sized dog, and families that have homes in-country or cities.
This breed is very docile, obedient, patient, and calm. These dogs are very easy to train, affectionate, loyal, kind, and good-natured pups for people who want to own a dog that is even-tempered and makes a perfect watch or guard dog.
Basset Hound

The Basset Hound breed is a short-legged breed that goes with the name Basset. This breed is from the hound family and comes from the United Kingdom.
Basset Hound Appearance
A Basset Hound weighs around 40 pounds to 60 pounds. This breed has dangling ears and a life expectancy of 10 years to 12 years.
This breed has a height measurement anywhere between 11 inches to 15 inches and a hangdog expression. They have lemon, white, black, tricolored, chocolate, brown, and red-colored coat combinations.
Basset Hound Temperament
A Basset Hound breed is perfect for people that want low shedding breeds and are active owners. These dogs have a very powerful nose that incredibly tracks down anything.
This pup is very stubborn and good-natured, and loyal. This pure breed is unstoppable when taken on hunts, but otherwise, they are lazy and very affectionate towards their owners.

Chihuahua, also known as Chichi or Arizona dogs or Texas dogs, is one of the smallest breeds registered in the AKC. This breed of dog originates from Mexico and is named after a state in Mexico.
Chihuahua Appearance
A Chihuahua dog is one of the smallest breeds with a round apple-shaped head and pointy ears that stand up. This breed has a height of 6 inches to 9 inches and weighs between 3.3 pounds to 6.6 pounds.
This breed has black, brown, cream, red, blue, fawn, silver, tan, gold, and white-colored combinations of coats in patterns or patches. This small breed has an average life expectancy of 12 years to 20 years.
Chihuahua Temperament
Chihuahua is a very loyal dog that is also intelligent. This breed is perfect if you want a permanent companion beside you.
This dog is fit for small apartment owners and families. Despite its small size, this dog is one of the most confident pups and is also extremely charming and pleasing to the eyes.

The butterfly dog is also known as Phalène, Continental toy Spaniel, Epagneul Nain Continental, and squirrel dog and its original name; Papillon. This breed comes from Belgium and France.
Papillon Appearance
A Papillon dog is a small dog with an average height between 8 inches and 11 inches. This dog breed has an average life span of 13 years to 15 years.
This squirrel dog weighs around 7 pounds to 9 pounds. This dog is present in white, brown, sable, fawn, red, and black colors.
Papillon Temperament
The Papillon breed is a small, portable breed package with a huge personality and curiosity. This breed is highly intelligent and loving.
This butterfly dog is perfect for retired and attentive owners and for every family and owner that are also attentive. This breed is very affectionate, filled with energy, and always ready to play and adore human interaction.
Siberian Husky

Chukcha or Husky Sibe is the names that are given to the Siberian Husky dog breed. This breed originates from the regions of Siberia and easily tolerates the cold weather.
Siberian Husky Appearance
The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized breed that is extremely popular and comes with an ancient lineage that goes way back to 4000 years. This breed has a life span of 12 years to 14 years and weighs around 35 pounds to 60 pounds.
The Husky Sibe stands at the height of 20 inches to 23.5 inches. This amazing and adorable dog breed is present in combinations of black, white, copper-red, red, pure white, gray, and agouti-colored coats.
Siberian Husky Temperament
The Siberian Husky is a very mischievous and naughty dog and loves to stay outdoors. This beautiful breed is very loving and highly energetic.
These pups are free-spirited and are great companions and family dogs. They need a lot of exercises to put their energy to use, and that is why they are suitable for families or people that are extremely active and love spending their time outdoors or exercising.
Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier dog breed also has Boston Bull, Boston Bull Terrier, Boxwood, and American Gentleman. This breed of dog originates in the United States of America.
Boston Terrier Appearance
A Boston Terrier pup stands tall at the height of 9 inches to 15 inches. This dog breed weighs around 5 pounds to 25 pounds.
This pup has an average lifespan of 13 years to 15 years. This American Gentleman is present in black, Isabella, fawn, and brindle-colored coats.
Boston Terrier Temperament
This American Gentleman breed is very small, but they think they are huge dogs as their personalities are huge. This breed is loyal and loving towards its owners and families.
The Boston Terrier sheds very little and is easy to train, and goes great with active families. This dog gets along well with other dogs and pets and is friendly and very intelligent.

Pitbull, also known as American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bulldog, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier, is popular. This dog comes from the United Kingdom and the United States.
Pitbull Appearance
The Pitbull breed is one of a kind, varying in appearance and temperament. The Pitbull dog breed stands high at 17 inches to 21 inches.
This dog weighs between 30 pounds to 60 pounds and has a life span of 10 years to 14 years. This breed is present in white, red, gray, blue, brown, and black-colored coats.
Pitbull Temperament
A Pitbull dog is a very fearless dog and is extremely intelligent. This breed is loyal, willful, and very clingy to its owners.
This breed is perfect for dog owners that want an affectionate and playful pup in their house. This dog can become aggressive if not trained properly and cared for, but they are very sweet by nature.
Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is also known as the Pyrenean Mountain Dog or Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées has a common nickname Patou. This livestock watchdog breed originates from France.
Great Pyrenees Appearance
The Great Pyrenees is a pure breed dog, and it lives up to the syllable great in its name; this breed stands at the height of 25 inches to 32 inches. This breed has a life span of 10 years to 12 years.
These pups weigh around 85 pounds to 115 pounds. This breed comes in white with badger, gray, reddish-brown, or markings in tan color on their coats.
Great Pyrenees Temperament
The Great Pyrenees is a perfect breed for all families and is perfect for a house with a yard with boundaries. This breed is great in size and temperament as this dog is very calm, smart, and gentle.
This breed is very patient, protective of its owner, and independent. These dogs have a regal type of expression and are easy to train, but they are stubborn, and if not handled properly, they can create trouble.

Rottweiler; a domestic dog breed also known as Rott, Rottie, Rottweiler Metzgerhund and Rottweil Butchers. This dog breed originates from Germany and is very hard working.
Rottweiler Appearance
A Rottie generally stands tall at the height of 22 inches to 27 inches. This breed has an average life span of 8 years to 12 years.
This dog is broad-chested and very intimidating and weighs around 80 pounds to 135 pounds on average. The Rottweiler has a combination of solid colored, black, and tan coats.
Rottweiler Temperament
Due to their appearance, this breed has been used by police, the military, and many citizens as guard dogs. The Rottie dog breed is very intimidating and obedient, which makes them a perfect watchdog.
This pup is suitable for dog owners that want a lovely-looking and affectionate guard dog. This breed loves to cuddle and is very loyal to its owner, and is intelligent as well.

Beagle, the small scent hound, is also sometimes called an English Beagle. This breed originates from England, United Kingdom.
Beagle Appearance
A Beagle stands high at 13 inches to 16 inches. This dog weighs an average of 20 pounds to 25 pounds.
This breed is expected to live a healthy and great life for about 12 years to 15 years. They have brown, black, white, red, and pied-colored coats.
Beagle Temperament
This small scent hound is carefree and can be easily distracted. This breed is best for hunters and people who want a happy-go-lucky pup.
The Beagle dog breed usually stays happy all the time and is very fun-loving, affectionate, and loyal to its owners. This breed can be challenging for new dog owners, but it is very determined, intelligent, and distracted easily.

Dachshund, a long-bodied breed known as a wiener, sausage, or badger, is a hound dog breed. This dog belongs to a German origin.
Dachshund Appearance
A Dachshund dog breed usually has a height between 8 inches to 9 inches. This breed weighs somewhere between 11 pounds to 32 pounds.
This breed has an average life period of 12 years to 15 years. These dogs own black, red, brown, sable, pied, brindle, gray, fawn, or cream-colored coats.
Dachshund Temperament
This Dachshund dog breed is usually explained as a half high dog and a half long dog due to their long bodies, but despite their small size, this breed is aggressive and vocal.
This dog is very willful and alert and does not go well with strangers. This sausage dog is perfect for people who want a companion for life as they are very loyal or families with older kids.

Yorkie, also known as Yorkshire Terriers, is the smallest Terrier breed. This dog breed comes from Yorkshire, England.
Yorkie Appearance
Yorkie dog breed stands at 7 inches to 8 inches. This breed has a life expectancy of 11 years to 15 years.
These dogs weigh around 4 pounds to 7 pounds. A Yorkshire Terrier is present in blue, gold, black, brown, and tan colors.
Yorkie Temperament
The Yorkie is suitable for owners that live in urban areas or are apartment residents. This breed also goes well with adventurers or move often and takes their dog with them every time.
The Yorkshire Terrier is a breed that is very alert, brave, adaptable, and watchful. These pups are also very self-assured and spunky and sometimes get extra spunky.
Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is a huge working dog breed known as St. Bernard, St. Bernhardshund, Bernhardiner, Alpine Spaniel, and Saint. This breed comes from the Western Alps present in Italy and Switzerland.
Saint Bernard Appearance
A Saint Bernard has a height between 26 inches to 30 inches. This breed has a life span of around 8 years to 10 years.
These pups weigh approximately 120 pounds to 200 pounds. This breed has brown, white, mahogany, brindle mahogany, red, orange, black, and brownish-yellow coats.
Saint Bernard Temperament
St. Bernard is a breed for active family owners and can also be great for families with kids. This breed goes well in suburban and rural homes and people that love to train and exercise a large pup.
This breed is really good and is very cuddly, calm, affectionate, and friendly. These dogs are patient, loving, confident, and willing and are great companions as well.

Akita Inu, Akita, Japanese Akita, American Strain, American Akita, and Japanese Strain are cute Japanese dogs. The Akita dog breed originates from the vicinity of Japan.
Akita Appearance
Akita Inu is a type of breed that stands tall at 24 inches to 28 inches. This breed weighs around 70 pounds to 130 pounds.
This dog is present in silver, fawn, black, brown, white, brindle, and red-colored coats. These pups can live an average period of 10 years to 13 years.
Akita Temperament
Akita is a very loving and determined dog breed. They are great for families that do not have small children and want someone to defend their deaths.
The Akita Inu is a greatly energetic breed that is fiercely protective and loyal to its owners and is also aloof and territorial at the same time. This pup is perfect for owners wanting a highly devoted companion.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a dog breed known as English Toy Spaniel, Ruby Spaniel, Charlies, Toy Spaniel, Prince Charles Spaniel, and Blenheim Spaniel. This spaniel breed comes from Great Britain.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Appearance
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed stands at the height of 12 inches to 13 inches. This breed weighs around 13 pounds to 18 pounds.
These pups have an average life expectancy of 9 years to 14 years. This breed comes in black, tan, tricolored, Blenheim, and ruby-colored coats.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Temperament
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog is a very calm, obedient, patient, and gentle breed. This pup is best for people that live in apartments, live solely, are seniors, or prefer quiet environments.
This breed is intelligent, playful, a great companion, and dependent on themselves and their owners. The Ruby Spaniel is best for families that have older kids and want regal-looking companions beside them.

Bullmastiff, also known as gamekeepers, is a breed that was developed in the 19th century. This breed originates from England, United Kingdom.
Bullmastiff Appearance
Bullmastiff has a life span of 8 years to 10 years. This breed stands tall at 23 inches to 27 inches in height.
They weigh anywhere between 100 pounds to 130 pounds. They have a combination of red, fawn, and brindle-colored coats.
Bullmastiff Temperament
This breed is a large dog that is very courageous, hardworking, fearless, and reliable. These pups are confident dogs, protect their owners at any cost, and are loyal and independent.
This breed is suitable for households with no pets or people trained to keep dogs or have experience in training huge dog breeds.
Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dogs are also called as Berner Sennenhund, Bernese Cattle Dog and Bouvier Bernois. This dog is a large breed from its four breeds and comes from the Swiss Alps Switzerland.
Bernese Mountain Dog Appearance
A Bernese Mountain dog has a height of 23 inches to 28 inches. This breed weighs between 70 pounds to 225 pounds.
They have a life span of 6 years to 8 years. These pups are available in black, brown white colors.
Bernese Mountain Dog Temperament
A Bernese Mountain dog may look intimidating, but it is a very loving, friendly, and playful breed. This dog is great for any size of family and even for families that have children.
This breed is intelligent, calm, collected, cheerful, and alert. They are great for people that own large spaces and are attentive to training, care, and grooming of their dog,
Irish Wolfhound

This historic sighthound has inspired many poetries, literature, and mythologies. This breed started as guardian dogs and originated from Ireland.
Irish Wolfhound Appearance
Irish Wolfhound dog stands at the height of 28 inches to 23 inches. This breed has a life expectancy of 6 years to 8 years.
These pups weigh around 105 pounds to 155 pounds. They usually have black, cream, fawn, red, brindle, gray, and silver-colored coats.
Irish Wolfhound Temperament
Irish Wolfhound is a very sweet dog that will keep you entertained with its clumsiness. This breed is very intelligent, friendly, and loyal to its owners.
These dogs are perfect for active families that regularly train or exercise and those who love giant but lightweight dogs.

Newfoundland is a huge working dog that originates from the Island of Newfoundland, now known as Canada.
Newfoundland Appearance
Newfoundland breed weighs between 100 pounds to 150 pounds. This dog is extremely big and has a big head, and stands at 25 inches to 29 inches.
This breed is available in black, a combination of black and white, gray and brown-colored coats. These pups are expected to have a life span of 8 years to 10 years on average.
Newfoundland Temperament
This breed is perfect for people that want a gentle guardian dog. These breeds go well with families and make ideal and calm companions.
The Newfoundland is a breed that is easily trainable, very affectionate, loyal, and gentle. These dogs are intelligent, noble, and very friendly, and are best at tracking.

Poodle dog breed is also known as Caniche, Pudle and has various types like Standard, Miniature, Toy and Medium Poodle. This dog breed originates from Germany or France.
Poodle Appearance
A poodle is just 15 inches tall or above 15 inches on average. This breed is said to have healthy weights varying between 40 pounds to 70 pounds.
This breed has white, silver, red, gray, cream, brown, blue, black, and apricot-colored coats. They have an average life span of 10 years to 18 years.
Poodle Temperament
A Poodle is a very well-known pup globally and is perfect for active families in training and exercising and has huge homes. People with multiple pets and first-time owners can also adopt one of these.
This dog is very lively and becomes a guys’ best friend instantly without much effort. This breed is very sweet, confident, smart, and a happy-go-lucky dog who loves to have fun.

Pomeranian dog breed originates from Pomerania, northwest and northeast region of Poland and Germany, respectively. This breed is also known as Deutscher Spitz, Zwergspitz, Dwarf Spitz, Pom Dog, Pom-Pom, Pom, Zwers and Tumbleweed.
Pomeranian Appearance
Pomeranian is a very popular breed these days and is a small breed that stands high at 7 inches to 12 inches. This breed weighs between 4 pounds to 7 pounds.
These dogs have a tan, white, black, gray, orange, and snow-white-colored coats. This breed has an expected life span of 12 years to 15 years.
Pomeranian Temperament
This breed is not suitable with children that have small children, but the ones with older children that know how to take for a pup can own one of these. They are perfect companions and can also be adjusted in apartments.
This breed loves going out and is very curious, alert, bossy, and quirky. This small breed has a very big personality and is very loyal, active, interested, and an adorable lapdog.

A Barbet dog breed is a medium-sized dog, also sometimes known as French Waterdog. This breed comes from the France region and is named after its beard.
Barbet Appearance
A Barbet dog is a wooly dog that weighs around 35 pounds to 60 pounds. This dog stands at a height, 20 inches to 25 inches on average.
This breed has multiple colored coats, usually black, white, fawn, brown, and gray. This breed is expected to live a life period of 13 years to 15 years.
Barbet Temperament
A barbet is a medium-sized dog that is perfect for families and individuals. This breed is also great for people that are hunters or are usually out on adventures.
This breed is a great sporting dog and is very friendly, loyal, obedient, sensitive, and intelligent. These pups are also fearless, keen, joyful and playful, and devoted to their owners.
Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise is also known as Bichón Tenerife, Bichon à Poil Frisé and is a curly haired dog. This breed comes from the Canary Islands in Spain and then from Belgium or France.

Bichon Frise Appearance
Bichon Frise dog breed has an average height between 9 inches to 12 inches. This dog breed weighs somewhere between 7 pounds to 12 pounds.
The average life span of this puffy white dog is somewhere between 12 years to 15 years. This breed is only present in fluffy snow-white or cream-colored coats.
Bichon Frise Temperament
A Bichon Frise breed is a very happy-go-lucky breed and is extremely intelligent. These pups are great if you want a performing dog or an excellent companion.
This Tenerife dog is a curly lap dog that loves curling in its owners’ laps and taking naps. This dog is also very curious, mischievous, and loves to play around.

Boxer dog breed has other names that include German Boxer and Deutscher Boxer. This breed originates from Germany.
Boxer Appearance
Boxer breed is very muscular and powerful that stands tall at 8 inches to 12 inches. This breed weighs 60 pounds to 70 pounds on average.
This pup is available in fawn, brindle, and white-colored amazing coats. This German Boxer breed has a life expectancy of 10 years to 12 years on average.
Boxer Temperament
The Boxer breed is perfect for owners that want an energetic, devoted, and confident dog. Moreover, families, singles, owners requiring protection, or working dogs can also adopt this breed.
This breed is known for its patience, bravery, and fearless nature. They are also very friendly, playful, and loyal towards their owners.
Carolina Dog
Carolina dog is usually known as yellow dog, American Dingo, Dixie Dingo, or yaller dog. This dog breed originates from the United States of America.
Carolina Dog Appearance
The Carolina Dog breed is a medium-sized dog that weighs somewhere between 30 pounds to 55 pounds. This breed has an average height between 17.75 inches to 19.5 inches.
This dog breed has tan, brown, black, red, cream-colored combinations of coats. These pups are expected to have a life span of around 13 years to 15 years.
Carolina Dog Temperament
The Carolina dog breed is for single people who are very strong and want a watch and guardian dog pup. This breed bonds well with its owner.
This yellow dog is a rare breed but is very resourceful. This pup is also highly loyal towards its owner and loves to stay quiet, and is fearless.

The dalmatian breed is also known as Carriage dog, Spotted Coach dog, Leopard Carriage dog, Firehouse Dog, and Plum Pudding dog. This dog breed originates from Croatia.
Dalmatian Appearance
The dalmatian breed is extremely known around the world thanks to the Disney classic movie; 101 Dalmatians. This breed is known for its unique and rare coat that is pure white and has black spotting.
These dogs weigh around 40 to 55 pounds and have 19inches to 23 inches of height on average. This breed has a life span of approximately 12 years to 14 years.
Dalmatian Temperament
The Dalmatian breed is perfect for people that possess high energies and are extremely attentive. These pups love owners that come with a training experience as they can them well.
This breed is very energetic and intelligent. These smart dogs are great and all but can sometimes get willful and stubborn; you cannot leave them alone with your kids in a house, but they love their families a lot and are also extremely clingy and loyal.
Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniel dog breed is simply American Cocker Spaniel or English Cocker Spaniel. This breed can be either one and have the United States of America or the United Kingdom as their origin, respectively.
Cocker Spaniel Appearance
The Cocker Spaniel breed has rounded heads and weighs somewhere between 25 pounds to 35 pounds. This dog stands tall at a shoulder-length of 15 inches to 17 inches.
This pure breed is expected to live an average life span period of 12 years to 14 years. They have combinational and gradient coats in black, silver, gray, red, brown, pied, and sable shades.
Cocker Spaniel Temperament
This breed is perfect for hunters, people who have a massive yard, are living active lifestyles, and families of different ratios.
This breed is very loyal and social. But, at the same time, they are mellow on the inside and active, upbeat, and smart on the outside.

A Leonberger breed has a nickname known as Leo, and the name of this breed is derived from its origin. This breed comes from the city of Leonberg present in Baden-Württemberg from Germany.
Leonberger Appearance
Leonberger dog is a giant dog breed and was introduced in 1847 as a very intimidating dog. This breed stands at a height from 26 inches to 32 inches and looks like a lion.
This breed weighs approximately in a range of 90 pounds to 160 pounds and has a life span of 8 years to 10 years. This pup has black, brown, red, and yellow-colored coats.
Leonberger Temperament
These dogs are very easy to maintain and tame even though they are very big dogs. This breed is very loving and obedient and is easy to train.
They are not vocal, do not drool, and are not diggers. This breed is best for owners with a large pup and is actively looking for a loyal companion and fearless companion.

The whippet dog breed is usually called an English whippet or a snap dog. This breed originates from England and is produced by breeding small English greyhounds and terriers.
Whippet Appearance
A Whippet dog breed stands high at 18 inches to 22 inches. This breed weighs around 25 pounds to 40 pounds.
These pups are present in white, gray, black, brown, tan, fawn, and silver-colored coats. This dog has an average life span of 12 years to 15 years.
Whippet Temperament
The Whippet pups are very quick-paced hunters and are known as fly-balls. This breed is perfect for people that have no pets or live in apartments.
This dog is very gentle, dignified, and quiet. This breed is very loving, calm, and relaxed, but they are also friendly and loyal to their owners, making them excellent companions.

Corgi breed is also known as Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Welsh Corgi, dwarf dog, or Pembroke. This breed comes from Pembroke in Wales, United Kingdom.
Corgi Appearance
Corgi, a dwarf dog, is a really small pup, but it carries itself very gracefully, approximately double or triple its size. This breed stands at the height of 10 inches to 12 inches.
These dogs have an average life span period of 12 years to 14 years. This breed weighs between 25 pounds to 30 pounds and has white, black, tan, fawn, red, and sable-colored coats.
Corgi Temperament
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed is a perfect breed for active families wanting a very friendly pup. This breed is not only friendly but loves to take up challenges whether they are double their size.
This breed has a huge amount of loyalty and love for its owner and its family. They are very intelligent, adapt easily, and bond quite fast with their owners.

The Samoyed dog breed is also known as Bjelkier, Samoiedskaya, Smiley, Sammy, and Sobaka. This dog comes from the northwest of Russia and western Siberia.
Samoyed Appearance
A Samoyed dog gets its name from the Samoyedic people present in Siberia. This breed stands tall at a shoulder-length of 19 inches to 24 inches. This breed weighs 50 pounds to 60 pounds and can stay in cold temperatures.
This dog is expected to live a life span of 12 years to 14 years. This pup is generally present in white, cream, and biscuit-colored coats with a face that looks as if it is always smiling.
Samoyed Temperament
A Samoyed has a very calm and friendly temperament. This breed has a very social personality and loves to stay active and affectionate.
This dog is very intelligent and very loyal towards its owner and their family. This Sammy pup is perfect for training or exercising active families or owners requiring a low shedding pup.

Keeshond dog breed is sometimes called Dutch Barge Dog, Smiling Dutchman, German Spitz, Deutscher, Wolf-Spitz, Dire Pomeranian, and Kees. This breed originates in Holland and comes from the Netherlands.
Keeshond Appearance
This Keeshond dog breed, also known as Kees, is a pup that stands tall at the height of 16 inches to 19 inches. These dog breeds weigh somewhere between 35 pounds to45 pounds and are medium-sized breeds.
This dog has a unique coat that mixes gray, black, and cream colors and shades. This pup can live an average period of 12 years to 16 years on average.
Keeshond Temperament
The Keeshond dogs are very lively, easy to train, alert, and intelligent. This breed is perfect for families that want a full-rounder pup and is lively, intelligent, and loving.
This breed gets along with other pets without any issues and is highly affectionate. They are known to save their owners and be very loyal to their owners as well.

The Shar-Pei breed is also known as Chinese fighting dog and Cantonese Shar-Pei. This dog breed originates from Southern China and is known for its wrinkles.
Shar-Pei Appearance
A Shar-Pei dog stands at the height of 18 inches to 20 inches on average. This dog is easily recognizable due to its big and wrinkly face and weighs between 40 pounds to 60 pounds on average.
This dog has a life span of 8 years to 12 years. The wrinkles of this breed extend to their body length, and they are available in cream, red, fawn, and black-colored coats.
Shar-Pei Temperament
A Shar-Pei breed needs a competent trainer and owners that are experienced and want a guardian dog that is capable and knows its duty well. This pup is very family-friendly and is also a great companion.
This dog is very intelligent, devoted, and dominant. The Chinese Shar-Pei is extremely loyal and a playful dog, and sometimes it is also stubborn.
Finnish Lapphund

A Finnish Lapphund or Finnish Lapponian dog, also known as Lapinkoira, Suomenlapinkoira, and Fin, is a medium-sized dog. This breed originates from Finland and is very rare.
Finnish Lapphund Appearance
The Finnish Lapphund dog breed is a very old pure breed, but still, this dog is very rare and rarely known to the world. This breed stands at the height of 16 inches to 19 inches.
This breed has an average weight of approximately between 33 pounds to 52 pounds. They have white, sable, red, black, and brown-colored coats.
Finnish Lapphund Temperament
A Finnish Lapphund is becoming popular, and this dog is very loyal to its owner. This breed is pack-oriented and stays with their pack till the end, so they require proper training.
This breed is very protective, agile, pleasant, and extremely smart. These pups need active families, houses that properly fence can get along with children of all ages, and multiple pets.
Finnish Spitz

A Finnish Spitz dog breed is also has other names like Finnish Hunting dog, Finnish Spets, Finsk Spets, Loulou Finois, Suomalainen pystykorva and Suomenpystykrova. This breed originates from Finland and is a bark pointer.
Finnish Spitz Appearance
A Finnish Spitz breed has a height of 17 inches to 20 inches. This dog weighs around 20 pounds to 30 pounds on average.
This Finnish Hunting dog breed has a life span of 12 years to 15 years. They have gold, red, red, and gold-colored coats present.
Finnish Spitz Temperament
A Finnish Spitz is a very loyal and intelligent dog breed. This pup is extremely vocal, independent, and loves playing.
The Finnish Hunting dog is animated and perfect for active families, singles and hunters, and people that are farmers.
Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier dog breed is known as Jack Russell, JRT and Jack. This breed originates from England, United Kingdom.
Jack Russell Terrier Appearance
Jack Russell Terrier breed stands at 12 inches to 15 inches and weighs around 13 pounds to 17 pounds. This breed has a life span of 13 years to 15 years on average.
These pups have tan, brown, or black-colored coats and do not require too much grooming. They have wiry coats and have smaller bodies with long heads and huge chests and heads.
Jack Russell Terrier Temperament
This strong rectangular framed breed is very friendly, intelligent, and energetic. These pups are best for experienced owners and people that live in cold climates and have large houses consisting of children.
This breed is very loyal to its owner, is funny, gets involved in everything, and is a great companion. They are stubborn, and they can start digging and barking if not trained properly.
Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback is also known as Ridgeback or African Lion Dog. This dog breed originates from Southern Africa and is the guardian dog of Khoikhoi.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Appearance
Rhodesian Ridgeback breed stands high at the height of somewhere between 24 inches to 26 inches. This breed weighs between 64 pounds to 70 pounds.
They have an average life expectancy of 9 years to 11 years. This African Lion dog is present in fawn and red-colored coats.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Temperament
Rhodesian Ridgeback breed is a great hunting companion and is perfect for active owners. This breed is also very dignified and graceful; and can survive in harsh climates as well.
This African Lion Dog is very loyal to its owners and is also a fun breed to be around. This pup loves protecting their family and has a very down-to-earth personality.

Komondor is a hairy breed known as Mop dog, Hungarian Sheepdog, and Hungarian Commonmop. This breed originated from Hungary and was brought to Europe by Cumans.
Komondor Appearance
Komondor stands at the height of 25or above; this large breed weighs around 80 pounds to 100 pounds while having a life span of 10 to 12 years. These dogs do not shed a lot and also drool very rarely.
They have long coat lengths in white color, which are unique as their coats are covered in tassel-like fur. They have dreadlock styles on their head and tail; they have dense coats and muscular bodies.
Komondor Temperament
Komondor is a self-governing and attentive dog and is very tender and warm for its owners. These dogs can make their own decisions during training and are best for experienced dog owners.
They can train best if provided treats or rewards after training; they are well-mannered dogs if trained properly. These dogs are good with families, children, and other animals; they are calm and determined, can easily stay alone, and are extremely loyal to their owners.

Brittany’s dog breed also goes with the names such as Brittany Spaniel, French Brittany, Epagneul Breton, and Brittany Wiegref. This dog breed comes from Brittany, France.
Brittany Appearance
Brittany stands tall at a shoulder height of 17 inches to 20 inches. These dogs weigh from 30 pounds to 40 pounds, and this French Brittany has 14 years to 15 years of life span.
They can have roan, white, brown, orange tricolored, and black-colored coats. They have dark-colored eyes and a nose, and a small head with floppy ears covered in hair accompanying their long straight tail.
Brittany Temperament
Brittany’s breed is perfect for sports and hunting. This breed is suitable for active individuals, hunters, and families alone. They are very gentle and lovable companions.
This breed loves pleasing its owners and is very easy to train. They are loyal to their owners and are very agile, attentive, playful, and adaptable.

Kuvasz is a breed from Hungary. This breed is known to be a guardian dog and also goes with the name Hungarian Kuvasz.
Kuvasz Appearance
Kuvasz, a breed from Hungary, has a height of about 26 inches to 30 inches. This dog breed weighs somewhere between 80 pounds to 110 pounds.
This pup has an average life span of 10 years to 12 years. They have only pure white-colored coats present.
Kuvasz Temperament
A Kuvasz needs a lot of space and requires its long runs every day and usually twice a day. This breed is perfect for owners who do not have neighbors and have a house with many rooms.
This breed is very gentle, independent, and patient, but at the same time, they are very protective of their owners and are also loyal to them to the core.
American Bulldog

American Bulldog, as the name suggests, comes from the United States of America. This dog is also known as Southern White, Hill Bulldog, Old Southern White Bulldog, White English, Country Bulldog, and English White Bulldog.
American Bulldog Appearance
American Bulldog breed is very muscular and stocky and stands tall at 20 inches to 28 inches. This breed is expected to live an average period of 10 years to 15 years.
This puppy is present in brindle, white, fawn, red and brown-colored coats. They weigh around 60 pounds to 120 pounds on average.
American Bulldog Temperament
The American Bulldog breed is very affectionate, loving, and protective of its owners. This pup requires experienced trainers for their training and is suitable for active owners.
Homeowners and experienced dog owners can adopt this pup and easily train it further, but this breed can become challenging without proper exercise. They are very active pups and are completely loyal to their owners.
American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed of the United States of America, and this medium-sized dog is known as Am Staff, American Staffy.
American Staffordshire Terrier Appearance
The American Staffordshire Terrier breed stands tall at a shoulder-length of 16 inches to 19 inches. This breed has an average life range period of 10 years to 15 years.
These pups have sable, brindle, fawn, brown, black, and blue-colored coats. They weigh around 40 pounds to 60 pounds.
American Staffordshire Terrier Temperament
An American Staffordshire Terrier is a very playful and loyal dog. This breed is perfect for active people and families that can take care of this pup.
This dog breed is extremely affectionate, loving, and friendly towards their family. They have a strong will and have extra physical strength mixed with intelligence; this breed needs consistent and firm training and socializing.
German Wirehaired Pointer

The German Wirehaired Pointed dog breed originates from Germany. This breed is also known as Deutsh Drahthaar, Deutscher Drahthaariger, Vorstehhund and Drahthaar.
German Wirehaired Pointer Appearance
The German Wirehaired Pointed breed has an average height of 22 inches to 26 inches. This dog breed weighs somewhere between 50 pounds to 70 pounds and as the name implies it is a wiry hair dog breed.
This Deutsh Drahthaar is expected to live an average period of somewhere between 14 years to 16 years. This breed has liver-colored coats containing white, ticked, roan, and spotted marking on them.
German Wirehaired Pointer Temperament
This breed is perfect for people wanting an athletic dog and a pup suitable for outdoor adventures and is a great companion. This breed requires a lot of exercise and regular training sessions.
The German Wirehaired Pointers are adorable pups that are very active and intelligent. These dogs are a very talented working breed, have a very affectionate nature for their owners, and are very loyal to their families.
West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier breed goes with the nickname Westie or Westy, and it has other names like Poltalloch Terrier, Roseneath Terrier, White Roseneath, and Terrier. This breed originated from Scotland.
West Highland White Terrier Appearance
West Highland Terrier stands at the height of 9 inches to 12 inches. This breed weighs 13 pounds to 22 pounds.
These pint-sized dogs have snow-white fur, big and dark eyes, and perky ears. This happy breed is expected to have an average life span of 12 years to 14 years.
West Highland White Terrier Temperament
The West Highland White Terrier breed is very loving and loyal towards its owner. This dog breed is easily trainable and is also very independent.
This breed is a very devoted companion and is highly intelligent. They are great for houses with older children, seniors, couples, and individuals who live alone.

Shikoku breed is a breed from Japan. This breed is known as Kochi-ken and was designated as a national monument in the year 1937.
Shikoku Appearance
The Shikoku breed is a great lapdog that stands high at 17 inches to 21 inches. This breed weighs between 35 pounds sot 55 pounds and has upturned tails.
This breed is expected to live a period of 10 years to 12 years. They have sesame-colored coats that combine red and black or sometimes have black, tan, cream, light brown-red, light brown-black-colored coats with white markings.
Shikoku Temperament
This dog breed is very agile, cautious, brave, and curious. The Shikoku does not easily get involved with strangers and is very tough, active, quiet, and an intelligent breed.
This brave breed is highly loyal to its owners. This breed is fun to be around and is perfect for people who live in rural or suburban areas, are active, are interested in energetic pups, or train intelligent and driven dogs.
Toy Fox Terrier

The Toy Fox Terrier breed descends from Smooth Fox Terrier and names such as Amertoy and American Toy Terrier. This breed originates from the United States of America.
Toy Fox Terrier Appearance
The Toy Fox Terrier breed has a height of 8.5 inches to 11.5 inches. This breed weighs around 3.5 pounds to 9 pounds.
This breed has an erect tail, dark eyes, and erect ears and has a life span of 13 years to 14 years on average. This breed has black, white, chocolate, and tan-colored coats having patterns and patches.
Toy Fox Terrier Temperament
Toy Fox Terrier is a small breed that not even reaches the size of a foot. This breed is perfect for small houses and apartments and also for huge houses.
These pups are very playful, alert, and friendly and are perfect companions and great for families. This breed is extremely loyal to its owners, is very funny, and loves the company of its owners.
So, here we end our list of lovely velcro dog breeds that are extra clingy and loyal. These pups have their class, group, physical attributes, and temperament, but each of these in the list has one thing in common: they all are clingy, extremely loyal to their owners. Now, the decision is in your hands, so decide wisely which loyal dog breed you want to adopt according to your house space and temperament.