Can Dogs Eat Pomelo?

By John Martin - August 15, 2022

Pomelo fruit on table

There’s no doubt about it—pomelos are delicious! The sweet, citrusy taste of these fruits can have your tastebuds signing, but will they also have your beloved furball’s tastebuds singing?

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can feed your dog pomelo, you’re in the right place—we have the answer for you!

What Is a Pomelo?

To the uninitiated, pomelos are fruits belonging to the citrus family. Natives of Southeast Asia, they’re close relatives to oranges and grapefruits and are often confused with the latter. However, though they’re called Chinese grapefruits, pomelos are quite different from grapefruits.

For one, pomelos are much bigger, with pink or pale yellow pulp and thicker rinds than grapefruits. These fruits are also less tart and sweeter than grapefruits.

Are Pomelos Healthy for Dogs?

Pomelos are extremely healthy and nutritious, as they’re rich in minerals, potassium, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber while containing almost zero fat. All of these elements and nutrients can greatly benefit your dog’s health, from healthier skin to slower aging (and which pet parent doesn’t want that, right?).

Here are the many ways in which pomelos are healthy for dogs:

  • The amount of dietary fiber in pomelos can improve digestion, colon health, and bowel movements in dogs.
  • Due to their almost negligible fat content, pomelos are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. Being overweight can greatly harm your dog’s bones and joints, with all the extra weight adding extra pressure on the legs.
  • Pomelos are rich in protein, which can improve your dog’s muscle health and also aid in weight loss (protein keeps you full for longer and reduces the frequency of unnecessary eating).
  • All that vitamin C goodness equals boosted immunity! Stressful situations can reduce vitamin C reserves in your dog’s body and pomelos can help supplement this.
  • The antioxidants (lycopene, naringenin, and naringin) not only alleviate oxidative stress but also help bring down any inflammation.
  • Potassium is extremely important in enzyme, nerve, and muscle development and function in puppies. The potassium from pomelos can help maintain adequate potassium levels in your dog and reduce the risk of health disorders from potassium deficiency.
  • Some studies show improved cholesterol levels in dogs from pomelo.

Also Read: Can Dogs Eat Mulberries?

Can Pomelos Be Harmful to Dogs?

Though pomelos are supremely healthy, anything in excess can turn out to be unhealthy!

Pomelos are generally safe for dogs, but large quantities can lead to quite a few health issues. The high amounts of sugar can cause diabetes (and aggravate it if the dog is already diabetic) and tooth decay, whereas excessive amounts of fiber can lead to diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Additionally, the taste and flavor of citric acid may be uncomfortable for some dogs.

Feeding Pomelo to Your Dog

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to feeding your dog pomelo:

  • Always limit the amount of pomelo that you feed to your dog. Those puppy-dog eyes can be hard to resist, but remember that overfeeding pomelo to your dog will do him or her more harm than good.
  • Never feed your dog the seeds and skin of the fruit. The seeds could contain toxins; while the occasional seed is okay, large amounts could be potentially fatal to your dog. Additionally, the skin should be removed (luckily, this isn’t a very challenging task). Ensure that you check each piece of pomelo for seeds and skin before feeding them to your dog.
  • Dogs shouldn’t have canned or processed fruits of any kind—this is a blanket rule and pomelos are no exception. Commercially canned fruits come soaked in extremely sweet syrup and are a diabetes disaster waiting to happen! The many preservatives and additives don’t help matters either. Therefore, canned, dehydrated, and frozen fruit (unless you froze it yourself at home and have added zero preservatives and additives) are a complete no-no for your furball.
  • Whenever you introduce a new food item to your dog, always start slowly. Feed him or her a tiny bit and then watch closely over the next couple of days for any negative reactions. Only continue feeding them this food if there are no reactions.
  • It’s also a good idea to check with your vet, before you feed your dog any new food item, whether or not it’s a good idea. Your vet knows your dog’s medical history as well as the breed and can advise you in this regard.
  • If your dog is diabetic, avoiding pomelos is a good idea.

How Much Pomelo Should You Feed Your Dog?

A rule of thumb is that no more than 10% of your dog’s diet should be reserved for snacks and treats. Pomelos are treats—there are no two ways about it, regardless of how healthy they are.

This doesn’t mean that the whole 10% should be devoted to pomelos. Tiny bites, a couple of times a week and fed at regular intervals, are more suited to dogs.

And remember—just because your dog can eat pomelo, it doesn’t mean that they can eat all types of citrus fruits. Some fruits, like grapefruits and lemons, are toxic to dogs. So always make sure you’ve put in sufficient research on not just citrus fruits, but any new food that you want to feed your dog.

What If My Dog Is Allergic to Pomelo?

There is a possibility that your dog could be allergic to pomelo; just like humans, dogs also tend to have allergic reactions.

To find out whether your dog is allergic to pomelo, feed him or her a small piece and monitor them for the next two days for any reactions, such as nausea, dizziness, infections, itching, and/or diarrhea.

In case you notice any of the above symptoms, seek professional medical help immediately. You may also notice such symptoms if your dog has eaten excessive amounts of pomelo; again, immediate professional medical attention is paramount.

Also Read: Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate?

The Verdict

Yes, dogs can eat pomelo in safe quantities. While wanting to share your food with your dog stems from a good place, remember that not all human foods are dog-friendly, and even those that are, need to be fed to your dog in moderation.

Restrict the amount of pomelo you feed your dog and both you and your dog will be golden!