Jack Russells are quite hyper and energetic. If you are wondering what it is about them that makes them this way, you can find out by reading through the reasons below.
You can also find out more about how to handle this kind of behavior and hyperactivity when it comes to your Jack Russell.
Are Jack Russells Hyper?
Jack Russells are hyper dogs. They love playing around and causing havoc around the house, especially if they are not used to proper training and positive reinforcement.
These dogs usually require plenty of physical as well as mental stimulation along with proper socialization and training. This can make it easier for you to handle them and calm them down.
If you do not manage to meet these requirements, however, then this could make their hyperactivity a lot worse, turning it into aggression and other undesirable behaviors.
Why Are Jack Russells Hyper?
There are several reasons that can explain why Jack Russells are usually so hyper. You can go through some of these below.
Energy Levels
Jack Russells are highly active dogs and possess high levels of energy. This causes to be hyper and playful at most times, sometimes leading to quite a bit of chaos.
High energy levels are good signs when it comes to the general health of Jack Russells. As long as you can manage to provide them with ways to use up some of this energy, you will be able to deal with the hyperactivity easily.
The problem arises when your dog gets bored or restless due to a lack of ways in which they can release their pent-up energy. This could then end up leading to aggression and biting.
Breeding Requirements
Initially, Jack Russells were bred to fulfill the purpose of hunting foxes. For this reason, some aspects were emphasized a lot more, such as alertness, hyperactivity and an overall high prey drive.
While they are no longer bred for these reasons, they continue to carry this high prey drive to a certain extent due to their history. Thus, whenever they come across a smaller pet or animal or even your kids, they might end up becoming a lot more hyper again.
Their pack mentality can also contribute to this.
In terms of temperament, Jack Russells are quite playful, lively, affectionate and open to the people and situations around them. This can make them quite enthusiastic, happy and willing to play around with you and your family.
Apart from cuddling up to you, they will also want to run around and play, so make sure that you have enough open space where they can do so.
Combined with their high energy levels and high stimulation needs, you can expect your Jack Russell to be extremely hyper, especially when there are plenty of stimulants around them to take advantage of.
While neglect usually makes your dog depressed and unresponsive to your commands, it can also make them hyper and aggressive if you leave them alone for too long without giving them the proper care and attention that they need.
In combination with their natural tendencies towards hyperactivity and playfulness, this can result in them becoming bored and passive.
Not feeding your dog properly can also make them weak and turn them away from you even more, making them fearful and displaying this fear through their hyperactivity and aggression.
This neglect can also arise before you bring them to your house in case they have had a rough background.
Jack Russells are quite hyper when they are puppies or even when they are growing up. If you have a puppy in your household, then it is quite likely that they will be hyper and extremely active, requiring plenty of stimulation and attention.
Once the Jack Russell becomes older and more mature, however, they will gradually become calmer and less hyper, making it easier for you to manage.
Until then, however, you will need to wait it out and try out some methods to calm them down while also caring for them properly. In case your dog gets older and still does not calm down, you might need to seek professional help.
Also Read: Are Jack Russells Good With Kids?
Is It Okay for Jack Russells to Be Hyper?
It is more than okay for Jack Russells to be hyper! This is a part of their temperament and nature, which means that you should definitely expect and be prepared for this aspect when you are considering getting a Jack Russell.
There are also several ways in which you can manage this behavior by teaching your Jack Russell to respond to you once you form a close bond with them.
The problem will only arise if Jack Russells become aggressive and unresponsive.
How to Handle a Hyper Jack Russell
If you have a hyper Jack Russell in your hands, how do you handle them? You can go through some ways below.
Physical Exercise
Jack Russells are highly energetic, active and playful. To allow them to release some of this energy, you should provide daily exercise to your dog, which can involve taking walks, going on a run, playing fetch or playing other games.
Once your dogs manage to release some of their pent-up energy, then they will tire themselves out and become calmer, making them take rest or fall asleep quicker so that you can get a moment of peace and quiet in your home.
You or someone from your family should accompany your dog so that you can spend some time together as well. Additionally, having a routine or fixed timings in place for getting this regular exercise can prove to be quite helpful, too.
Mental Stimulation
Apart from physical exercise, Jack Russells also need a high amount of mental stimulation that can keep them occupied as well as interested. You can provide this kind of stimulation by getting some dog puzzles, giving them a chew toy or providing them with a task to carry out, such as fetching something for you.
You should also try to play with them to keep them intrigued. In case they do not receive this kind of stimulation on a regular basis, they will become extremely bored and look for other (possibly destructive) ways to keep themselves interested.
Timely Training
Timely training is essential to ensure that your dog listens to you and obeys your commands without becoming aggressive and destructive. You should start providing training and socialization to your Jack Russell from a young age, since puppies are more likely to adapt to new things and learn them quickly.
When the dogs become too hyper, then you can simply give them a command that they can then follow. This can also establish you as the leader of the ‘pack’ since this breed has a pack mentality due to their hunting origins.
Once the dog becomes older without proper training, it will prove difficult to train them from scratch.
Soothing Techniques
There are several soothing techniques that you can make use of to handle a hyper Jack Russell. For instance, you can rub their bellies, their muzzle or even their stop (the region between their eyes).
This will allow them to relax and doze off while you gently massage them.
However, you should only carry out these soothing techniques if your dog trusts you enough.
Other techniques include making them listen to soothing music or getting them to respond to clicker training, after which you can reward them with praises or treats.
Proper Attention
Proper attention is essential for your dog to listen to you so that you can handle them when they become hyper. Make sure you feed your dog well while also providing them with healthy amounts of care and attention.
This will make them trust you and listen to you readily. You should also play with them regularly and accompany them on their daily walks or runs so that you can form a solid bond with them.
A neglected Jack Russell will end up becoming aggressive and fearful.
Safe Space
You should create a safe space so that your Jack Russell can be happy. Make sure your dog is comfortable with everyone in your household.
You can also provide them with crate training so that they have their own safe space that they can go to when they are feeling unusually hyper or anxious.
Final Remarks
It is now clear that Jack Russells are hyper because of their breeding, temperament, age and energy levels, among other factors. You can handle this by providing them with stimulation, training, attention and care.