How Often Do Puppies Poop?

By John Martin - July 28, 2022

Puppy pooping in the grass

You’ve just cleaned up your new puppy’s poop and he’s pooped all over again. And, this makes you wonder, “why is my puppy pooping all the time?” “Is this normal?”

As a pet owner, you need to know how often puppies poop in a day. It’s a good idea to keep track of your lil one’s poop schedule because the frequency of your puppy’s poop is a good indicator of his health and any deviations may be a sign of some issue.

How Often Should Puppies Poop?

Typically, when they are young, puppies poop quite a lot because they have a very small intestinal tract that is still developing. The food that your puppy eats moves through his digestive tract fast and is processed very quickly.

And, sometimes it may not even be properly digested. It is quite common for young puppies to poop around 4-5 times a day and sometimes even more.

Puppies eat quite frequently. Further, they cannot control their bowel movements for a long time like older dogs and so they poop more frequently. But as your puppy grows older, the number of poops gradually decreases.

When your puppy is around 2 weeks old, he may poop after every feeding, but by the time he is 12 weeks old, his poop frequency may be reduced to only around 4-5 times a day and by the time he is 6 months old, he may be pooping just thrice a day.

Normally, by the time the dog is 1 year old, he will have settled into a regular pooping schedule and usually, an adult dog poops around 1-3 times a day.

As your puppy grows up and his pooping frequency settles down, you can see what the regular pooping schedule for your pet is. The changes in your puppy’s pooping schedule must be very gradual.

And, if there are any sudden changes in the pooping frequency or the color, consistency, texture or coatings of the poop, then it may be an indication that something is wrong and you should consult with your vet.

When they are born, most puppies have intestinal parasites, which can affect their poop. And so, it is recommended to test your puppy’s stool samples and deworm him frequently when he is young.

What to Do If My Puppy Poops More than the Average?

Different dog breeds have different pooping frequencies and it can be rather difficult to determine what is the “average.” Some puppies may poop more often compared to others.

So, it is important to know what your puppy’s normal poop routine is. If you find your puppy pooping more than normal all of a sudden, then look for any changes in his poop’s color, texture, coatings or consistency.

Observe your puppy for 24 hours and see how he is behaving or if he is displaying any signs of discomfort. If the changes in your puppy’s poop continue or if your puppy is not eating, is lethargic and not very active, then it may be a good idea to take him to the vet.

Also Read: How Long Should a Puppy Wear a Cone After Being Neutered?

What to Do If My Puppy Is Not Pooping Enough?

If you notice that your puppy is not pooping as frequently as he does for 1-2 days, there is probably nothing to worry about. Your puppy may be pooping less than usual because he may be eating or exercising less than normal.

Any changes in routine may upset your puppy’s normal poop routine for a couple of days.

Your puppy may be constipated because of other reasons, including changes in diet, dehydration, not eating sufficient fiber, side effects of certain medications, anal gland problems or stress.

Constipation may occur due to other more severe issues such as intestinal blockage caused if your puppy has eaten inedible objects like toys, bones or garbage or due to parasites, kidney disease, bloat, injuries to the pelvis or spine or cancer.

If your puppy has not pooped for over 24 hours, if he is suffering from constipation along with other symptoms or if he is straining or seems to be in pain while pooping, then it is best to consult your vet.

When Should My Puppy Poop?

Most puppies poop as soon as they eat, but this may differ. When you consider poop frequency, in general, an adult dog must poop once a day, at least, whereas some of them poop around 2-3 times a day.

But puppies usually poop around 4-5 times a day. And, even if your puppy is pooping a greater number of times, there is no cause to worry as long as his poop is solid and has an even consistency.

In fact, puppies poop a lot more than older dogs because they eat a lot more and have a very high metabolism.

Also Read: How Long Can a Dog Go Without Pooping?

How Should My Puppy’s Poop Look?

As a dog owner, you should know the details of good poop because it is an indicator of your puppy’s overall health. Some of the things to look out for in your puppy’s poop include:


The poop of a healthy puppy is typically medium to dark brown. It may be a cause of concern if the color of the poop is black, yellow, green, gray, white or red. If you notice specks of green in brown-colored poop, they are probably bits of grass.

Brown poop with white rice-like bits could mean that your puppy has a tapeworm infestation and requires a trip to the vet for deworming. Some bit of mucus covering the poop is normal; however, this shouldn’t be reddish or tinged with blood.

Red-colored poop is a cause of concern and could be a sign of internal bleeding and you must take your pet to the vet immediately.


Normal puppy poop is commonly log-shaped, soft, firm and well-formed. If the poop is runny and liquid, it means that your pet is suffering from diarrhea.

If the poop is very hard and your pet is straining to relieve himself, it means he is constipated. And, if the poop comes out in small bits, it means that your puppy has been constipated for a while.


Puppy poop is not lovely smelling, but you must pay attention to any major changes in the smell of the poop. If the poop suddenly smells very foul or sweet, this can be an indication of a health problem and must be checked.


The size of the poop varies with the size of the dog i.e., the bigger the puppy, the larger its poop and this will continue when the puppy grows to be an adult too.

The size also depends on your pet’s diet and time of the day. But pay attention in case the size of the poop is too large or small.

Factors Affecting the Pooping Frequency of Your Puppy

Many factors affect the frequency of your puppy’s poops including:


Your puppy’s diet plays a very important role in his tendency to poop, which means that you must be very careful about his diet, as well as his feeding schedule.

Make sure that your pup gets high-quality food that is specially formulated for puppies because poor-quality dog food often contains inferior ingredients that increase your pet’s pooping frequency.

Food Consumption

Puppies tend to poop many times in a day because of the large quantities of food they eat and cannot control their bowels.

But as your puppy grows older, make sure to control the amount of food he eats because if an adult dog continues to eat a lot, it can lead to your pet becoming obese and cause other health problems like diabetes, etc.

Your Puppy’s Health

Puppies are in general prone to several health problems such as diarrhea, constipation and intestinal worms caused because of their eating habits and consuming contaminated food.

These can alter your puppy’s frequency of pooping. For instance, if your puppy is suffering from constipation, then he may not poop for 1-2 days.

Or, if your puppy is suffering from diarrhea or worms, he may poop around five times a day or more. Also, his poop may be runny and have an inconsistent appearance.

Your puppy’s pooping frequency may increase if he is suffering from other types of health problems, such as IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), allergies, etc.

Outdoor Trips

Usually, dogs use their poop to mark their territories or to find their way to particular places they like. You may notice your puppy pooping or peeing in specific areas every time you take him for a walk or to the park, etc.

So, taking your puppy outdoors often means that his pooping frequency will increase.

Also Read: How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes

Wrapping Up

How often your puppy poops is an important indicator of his lifestyle, diet, health and other factors. And, as a responsible dog owner, you must check your pooping routine and the tendencies of your pooch regularly.

You may find the process cumbersome, time-consuming and uncomfortable, but doing this can ensure that your puppy is healthy and will also help to save you all those avoidable trips to the vet.